Cultural Center of Balkans

About us

About us

Balkan Cultural Center (BKC) is an independent and non-profit citizens association, founded in Belgrade in order to promote the rich Balkan culture and help create a different image of this region in the world. Organizing and dealing with a variety of cultural events, the Center aims to improve mutual understanding and rapprochement between nations of the region, in order to detect similarities and accept differences, so in the near or distant future everything unknown could become discovered and accepted in everyday life.

Balkan Cultural Center was designed as an institution in which all the information related to the Balkans and regional cultural events are available, so that on this subject it can inform not only the citizens of Serbia, but the whole Balkans, as well as other foreign counties. For this reason, BKC strives to achieve good cooperation with all existing cultural centers, so they can contribute with their synergy and joined efforts to better promotion and greater attendance at all events in this region.

Except with the information, BKC disposes with rich organizational and management structure, so it can get engaged in organizing any kind of events (cultural, literary, teaching, tourism, music, sport, art, etc.) in order to connect institutions in the Balkans, but also to satisfy the needs and desires of its members. The Center always strives to bring eminent experts and to maintain the necessary criteria during the employment of all workers. However, BKC offers the possibility of volunteering, internships and gaining professional practice for all interested parties, according to the agreements with various institutions, which could later contribute to the creation of new employment places.

Depending on the amount of work and financial possibilities, one of the future tendencies of the Center is to expand and open branches in all the capitals of the Balkan. BKC is currently working with external consultants in various Balkan countries, whose main task is to monitor and inform about cultural events in their country, to cooperate with organizations and companies - our members and to enable to all interested parties to stay and visit cultural events in their country. When the possibility appears, this external consultant will become an associate in charge of the branch in his/her country and he/she will lead it under the full responsibility and the supervision of the Centre in Belgrade. A that point, it will be easier to organize events, trips, collecting books and materials, as well as to find a greater number of members, projects and donors .

At the moment, the Center in its opus includes eleven Balkan countries - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia and Turkey.

To achieve its goals, the Centre is engaged in various activities. Some of them are:

• Encouraging the development and promotion of Balkan culture and culture in general;

• Helping in organization of the celebration for the National Day of each Balkan country and organization of the week dedicated to the promotion of every Balkan state during the National Day of that country;

• Organization of various presentations and promotions of other countries and world cultures in order to get them comprehensive to the people of the region, which will produce a better knowledge and understanding and facilitate cooperation in the future;

• Creating the conditions for the possibility of organizing the promotion of Balkan and other non-governmental and business organizations and institutions, in order to produce better integration and improvement of cooperation between them;

• Organization of promotions, book readings, music/sports/arts/tourism events, fairs - including the Fair of Balkan books, workshops, panel discussions, creative school for children, conferences, symposia, etc.;

• Professional training of its staff and other projects;

• Education about cultural and linguistic characteristics and peculiarities of the Balkan languages;

• Conducting researches and presentation of the results;

• Publication of the documents arising from the activities of the Center - brochures, newsletters, magazines and books.

With activities of the Centre in particular are provided the following benefits:

• The development and improvement of Balkan culture and the culture in general;

• The positive cultural synergy;

• The promotion of joint approach, cultural association and networking;

• The formation and rising of awareness, knowledge and skills of the subjects;

• The preservation of existing and creation of new jobs in the field of culture.