Cultural Center of Balkans



Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) shares its borders with Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Greece.


Skopje is virtually unknown city with a charming name, the host of various interesting things to see and experience, along with acknowledging the rich history that it has. However, mostly untouched by tourists and travel writers, this unusual capital, remains wrapped in mystery.

Lake Ohrid - crystal clear water

Republic of Macedonia's only asset included in UNESCO's World Heritage List is unusual in being a mixed property - having an outstanding universal value both as a beautiful natural reserve and as a masterpiece of human creativity


The soul of the Balkans, the cradle of Slovenian literacy, open-air museum, the center of Orthodox spirituality – these are just some of the terms that describe this city . It is located in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, on the northeastern shore of Lake Ohrid and it represents the center of the Ohrid Archibishopric. Since 1980, Ohrid and Lake Ohrid are under the protection of UNESCO with their cultural and natural resources.